PMI Graduated at Budapest 22 New Leaders Coming from 13 Different Countries!
Reported by PMF Correspondents Theofanis Giotis and Alcides Santopietro from Budapest, Hungary.
On May 11, 2007, the Project Management Institute (PMI®) graduated in Budapest, Hungary, twenty-two (22) leaders who have concluded the PMI Leadership Institute Masters Class (PMI EMEA LIMC, Class 1), a training program defined by PMI as “a journey of self-discovery and leadership development.”
After one year of activities, three face-to-face sessions - in Madrid (Spain), Warsaw (Poland) and Budapest (Hungary) - and three teleconference meetings, the participants experienced a program similar to that which leaders of globally recognized companies receive. The PMI LIMC initiative, part of PMI’s strategy to form leaders worldwide, is one of the many opportunities that PMI provides to develop the professional career of its members. PMI LIMC participants, after passing through a strict selection process to be part of this group, now have the skills necessary to transform PMI, themselves and their professional organizations.

Front row:
Robert Hierholtz, PMP; Dan Tuten, MCSE, PMP; Eric Norman, PMP; Jean Braun, PMP; Yan Bello Mendez, PMP; Richard Van Ruler, PMP; Deena Gordon Parla, PMP; Petra Goltz, PMP
Second Row:
Wes Balakian, PMP; Alexander Matthey, PMP; Theofanis Giotis, PMP; Pan Kao, PMP; Brenda Treasure; Nathalie Collautt; Rebecca Anderson; Steffi Triest, PMP; Mounir Ajam, PMP
Third Row:
Jean Gioux, PMP; Peter Vreeswijk, PMP; Eric Morfin, PMP; Alcides Santo Pietro, PMP; Marcelo Cota, PMP; Padhraic Ludden
This was PMI’s first program taking place outside North America and the cultural variety was remarkable: the participants come from 13 different countries from all over the globe with 6 business owners among the participants.
The graduation ceremony took place at the Intercontinental Hotel in Budapest, Hungary, during PMI’s Leadership meeting on May 11th, 2007. Mr. Greg Balestrero, PMI’s CEO and Mrs. Linda Vella, PMI’s elected Chair of the Board, congratulated all graduates encouraging them to continue “the journey of self-discovery and leadership development”.
The graduates are energized, as can be seen in their testimonials about the program:
“Leadership is dreaming, believing and inspiring self and others, into achieving something bigger than anyone of us can achieve individually”
Mounir Ajam, MS, PMP
CEO, Sukad, FZ-LLC (Lebanon/United Arab Emirates)
“Demystified some notions of leadership, confirmed a gut feeling: a leader is an altruistic motivator who can transcend management and can focus others’ energy. The sooner you see yourself in this ROLE, the less you’ll be impatient to be just nominated in a position”.
Alexander Matthey, PMP
Managing Director, 3PM Experts (Switzerland)
“The program definitely changed the way I interact with people, not only in my professional relationships but also in my personal life. When we understand how people react according to their motivational system, we can learn how to extract the best from each person and, then, lead better and get results in a more intelligent way”
Alcides Santopietro Jr., PMP (Brazil)
“Leadership is a journey, not a destination. The PMI LIMC class has helped us to make this journey pleasant and fun. Also, the networking experience available to all participants in the PMI LIMC class is INVALUABLE.”
Theofanis Giotis, MSc, PMP, MCT
Founder & CEO, 12PM Consulting
President, PMI Greece Chapter (Greece)
“To all future leaders: PMI’s LIMC is the ultimate journey of self awareness. Once you master this skill, you will be prepared to lead at the next level”.
Wes Balakian, PMP
CEO, TSI (United States)
“The many different cultures and experiences brought in by each individually provided a fertile ground for my journey of self-discovery and empowerment where I now have a personal vision and a good understanding of myself and others. The LIMC Class is an excellent preparation for taking my next step in leadership in the PMI organization”.
Peter Vreeswijk, PMP (Netherlands)
"I used to believe that leadership could be taught. Now, after LIMC, I know that leadership could and should be taught to everybody within organizations and within PMI network”.
Marcelo Cota, MSc, PMP, Central Bank of Brazil
University of Sao Paulo Ph.D. Cand. (Brazil)
“I am convinced that a true leadership culture within PMI and its Chapters is crucial to win the fierce competition for the time of our volunteers who help to provide value for PMI’s members. I am fortunate to be part of this Master Class”.
Richard van Ruler, PMP (Netherlands)
“Volunteering for PMI has enriched and enhanced my career. The leadership master class has given me additional tools I’m certain will help me become a more effective leader”.
Eric Norman, Vice-president – Chief Project Officer
Insurance Technology Solutions, Choicepoint (United States)
“This experience empowers me to take responsibility for my role as a leader and help others to achieve their full potential. I feel very grateful for the relationships I have built and I am eager to move forward with this newfound knowledge”.
Becky Anderson, Project Management Institute (Unites States)
“If you have the:
- Courage to be brutally honest with yourself;
- Desire to understand what motivates different people, and how they behave in conflict;
- Drive to continually improve so you can lead by example;
Enroll on PMI LIMC”.
Petra Goltz, PMP (Italy)
“The LIMC can be a scary experience. You will learn things about yourself that should have remained a secret. You will learn to better understand others: a scary thought. Confused you will become. But the force will be with you and in the end you will become a better leader”.
Eric Morfin, PMP (United States)
“The Dutch group used a soccer related quota to describe the experience in LIMC: ‘Every advantage has an disadvantage.’ I would like to add another: ‘After the game is before the game,’ meaning that leadership is based on never ending willingness to reflect your own role as well as the reasoning of others to act the way they do”.
Steffi Triest, PMP (Germany)
“I found this course a valuable journey of self-discovery and an excellent forum for networking with PM leaders / volunteers from all over the world”.
Padhraic Ludden, PMP
Past President, PMI Ireland Chapter (Ireland)
“LIMC 2007 was the greatest leadership learning experience in my life. If you have a future opportunity to participate, please do”.
Jean Braun, PMP
North Carolina Chapter (United States)
Other participants are: Nathalie Collautt (USA), Deena Gordon (Turkey), Jean Gouix, (France), Pan Kao (United States), Yan Bello Mendez (Spain), Brenda Ellen Treasure (Australia), Robert Hierholtz (France). and Daniel Tuten (USA).

Mr. Greg Balestrero, PMI’s CEO, with PMForum’s international correspondents
Mr. Theofanis Giotis and Mr. Alcides Santopietro following the graduation ceremony

Mr. Greg Balestrero, with Mr. Theofanis Giotis and Mrs. Linda Vella, PMI's President during the graduation ceremony!
More photos of the ceremony can be found here: